Read our Featured Stories

By Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Picture of our annual Posadas prayer time on Christmas Eve 2022 ARE YOU MORE OPTIMISTIC (your...

Who, What and Where is Your Treasure?
By Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Can you see the name of JESUS in the picture? Today is the eighth World Day...

From the Last Supper to Mass Today
By Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Children love stories about their parents, especially what they were like and what they did...

By Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH HAVE YOU EVER WANTED to be a saint? What holds you back? Is it the...

Will You Come to Me and Be With Me?
By Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH AS WE SCRUTINIZE our world, we can become despondent at the widespread crime, hatred and...

By Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH At times when observing the face of a father initially embracing his first-born child, it...

Pentecost, The Birthday of the Church
By Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Holy Spirit by Isabel Piczek, St. Catherine Laboure Church, Torrance - photo taken by a...

Shout for joy, for the Lord has been at work! Is. 44:23 With joy in Our Lord Jesus Christ The Sisters of...

by Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH What is faithfulness? At times, our society seems to have lost sight of it. Some...
Mass of Resurrection for Sister Carmen Acosta, SDSH
April 9, 2024 10:00 am Rosary 10:30 am Mass of Resurrection Our Lady of Lourdes in Northridge Watch the...

Celebration of Jubilees and Profession of Vows
March 16, 2024 12:00 pm Our Lady of Grace in Encino Pictured (l-r) Sister Catherine, Sister Frances, Sister Diane, Sister...

by Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Photo by Brady Leavell on Unsplash Sunday – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord...

Lent, A Preparation for the Easter Vigil
by Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Picture of the Easter Vigil taken by a Sacred Heart Sister With a sense of excitement,...

by Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Picture of the Church in Cana taken by a Sacred Heart Sister Many of us, upon...

Joyful Apostolate Newsletters – older issues available!
We continue to find inspiration in the writings and words of Servant of God Sister Ida Peterfy. We hope...

by Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH “I’m coming! I’m coming! Have you ever heard those words before, especially from one who is...

by Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Thanksgiving is coming, and even though we may have a variety of different family traditions...

Vocations Awareness Week – Sisters Autocomplete
Joan Patten, A.O. and Sister Rachel Gleason, S.D.S.H. are answering your burning questions about Sisters and Consecrated...

Thank you for your prayers, dear Sisters
Dear Sister Mary and Sisters, I want to thank you for our Community prayers prayed every night for our families....

October is the Month of the Rosary
by Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Suppose a leisurely Sunday morning is interrupted by sudden, harsh sounds. Perhaps the kids are...

Angels, our Faithful Friends and Guides
by Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Photo of Angels in Our Lady of Knock Chapel by Sacred Heart Sisters “Angel of God,...

by Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash Less than a year ago, Queen Elizabeth, the...

The Saints: Living as Friends of Jesus
by Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Photo of St. Anne and Mary taken by a Sacred Heart Sister in the Church...

by Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Photo Eucharistic Heart of Jesus by Isabel Piczek, © Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart How...

Come, Holy Spirit, and Fill Our Hearts with Your Love
by Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash Do you remember being invited to birthday parties when...

by Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Photo Detail of "Mystery of the Crucifixion and the Eucharist" by Isabel Piczek, Heart of...

25th Jubilee & 1st Profession of Vows
My name is Sister Martha Muñoz and I am a Sacred...

By Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Artwork by Isabel Piczek How much does a “yes” cost? Well, let’s see. You answer the phone...

By Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Photo by Thays Orrico on Unsplash Let’s listen to the following conversation among a group...

A New Year to Grow in God’s Love
By Sister Diane Heiss, SDSH Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels We wish you and your loved ones a very blessed...

August 27, 2022 Jubilee Celebration
Watch the 50th Jubilee Mass of Religious Profession for Sister Mary Tomasella, SDSH - our Superior General Sister Grace Yip, SDSH...

The Sacred Heart Sisters joined over two thousand pilgrims who walked with Archbishop Gomez...

Sister Eva Mass of Resurrection
Faithful Love: Sister Eva lived as a faithful Sacred Heart Sister for almost 80 years. She is one of...

August 7, 2021 Jubilee Celebration
Watch the sharing of vocation stories by our Jubilarians of Religious Profession We are also celebrating the faithfulness of Sister...

Sister Hermine – 80 years of Faithfulness, 102 years of life!
This year, 2021, Sister Hermine Jaschko, Sister Ida's first companion, celebrates 80 years of Religious Profession! We also celebrated...

When lockdown struck, the Sisters of the Sacred Heart had to make some hard decisions. The Sisters of the Sacred...

The Power of Prayer ! Hear and see how prayer and the example of the Sacred Heart Sisters has...

Give Ourselves Totally in Undivided Love
Interview with Sister Mary Tomasella, SDSH, Superior General of the Sisters of the Society Devoted to...

The Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart By Sister Sophia Farkas , SDSH published in Vocations and Prayer Magazine - It was...

Watch the recording of the Mass of Religious Profession for Sister Charis Kwon and Sister Vivian Sun at the...

Word of God-Words of Invitation | Sr Vivan
Vocations Office of Archdiocese of Los Angeles invited Sister Vivian Sun to share a reflection on the Sunday readings...

Sister Grace – Spreading God’s Mercy Far and Wide
Our very own Sister Grace Yip, SDSH was chosen to be...

Virtual Sacred Heart Leadership Retreat
The Sacred Heart Sisters personally invite you to enter into the Heart of God: to discover His personal love for you through...

Jovenes en Búsqueda “Free to Love”
For the "Free to Love" Vocational Event sponsored by Jovenes en Búsqueda and broadcast from Saint Elisabeth in Van...

Sister Arlene receives Medical Award in Taiwan
November 7, 2020 Sister Arlene Te, SDSH and M.D., received the award from...

National Vocations Awareness Week
For National Vocations Awareness week, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles hosted a live virtual event for all the 5th-8th...

Celebrating 80 years of Grateful Love as a Religious Community!
Dear Family, Friends and Benefactors, With joy I greet you at this most significant moment! Little did Sister Ida...

Sister Mary Ann’s Diamond Jubilee...

Though we have not been able to meet together...

Opportunity to strengthen our commitment
Sister Ida wrote this to the Sisters in September 1975; it is perfect for today’s Covid reality. The spirit of...

Enjoy Sister Catherine's letter that she wrote to our Sisters in the Missions

Sister Sophia Farkas, SDSH shares a reflection on the Wedding Feast of Heaven and Earth as anticipated in the...

"Gratitude is a shortcut to Holiness." - Servant of God Sister Ida Peterfy The Sisters share some of the things they...

Jesus, our Good Shepherd, invites you to be refreshed in His love and to lead you by...

Kathryn Whitaker, wife and mother of six, is a Catholic author, speaker, and a regular guest on SiriusXM. She...

The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is on June 19th. We invite you to pray the...

Prayer Reflection on Pentecost
Join us in prayer! Sister Martha is offering prayer reflection points to go deeper in...

Enjoy this short video introducing a Pentecost Novena and join praying the Litany of the Holy Spirit with the...

25th Jubilee Celebration Postponed
March 15, 2020 My Dear Family and Friends, “Rejoice in the Lord always!” I have been looking forward to the celebration...

Student Leadership Summit hosted by Thank you for such a wonderful event! "I Belong to My Beloved" ©...

Spreading the Love of Christ on Three Continents
Our Sisters Assigned to Hungary: (Above, left to right) Sister Audrey Tóth, Sister Shannon Stafford, Sister Guadalupe Rodríguez, Sister...

Celebrating 50 & 25 Years of Faithful Love
Golden Jubilarians Left to right: Sister Carmen, Bishop Alex Aclan, Sister Sharon after the Mass of...

Family Camp 2019: (Above) Nearly 50 families experienced the graces of being on retreat together at Sacred Heart Retreat...

Proclaiming our Lord’s Love in Hungary
(Above) A children’s unit Mass during Family Camp in July in Városlőd, Hungary. With the theme of “Remain in...

What did we do in the summer? We had Girls’ Camp, Family Camp, home-visiting, University studies, 8-day Retreat (for...

Forming Catechists to Proclaim Christ
(Above) Sister Eileen presenting to a group of catechists at St. Joseph Korean Catholic Center in Canoga Park, CA....

The very first Girls’ Camp we planned was sort of scary; we were wondering how all the work and...

Profession of Vows Profession of Perpetual Vows God whispered, ‘This could be you’ By Sister...

Dear Sister Mary and Sisters, ♫May the spirit of the Lord...

Dear Friends in Christ, mid-December, 2017, Sister Hermine became very ill. The Hospice nurses told us that she will...

We are grateful to Our Lord for...

I am sure we will be amazed in heaven when we will know the fullest story of our vocations...

Our Community is celebrating this year the 75th Jubilee of Sister Eva Batta, and...

The comments and prayer below are from the first General Chapter in 1976. We are one body in Christ, not...

The Call–Sacred Heart Sisters Respond to God’s Call
Sacred Heart Sisters respond to God's call and minister at the Heart of Jesus Retreat Center among other places...

Beacon Day at Saint John’s Seminary in Camarillo
Our Sisters at the Novitiate house went to a vocation event at St. John's Seminary in Camarillo, CA. It...

Archbishop Gomez’s Television & Radio Show with our Sisters
Pictured above (from left to right): Claudia Avila Torres; Sister Maria Carlos-Valdez EIN, Vicar for Women Religious; Sister Petrita...

We witness so many gifts from God on the retreats here at the Heart of Jesus Retreat Center. Here...

The origin of our 5 Step Illustrated Method for teaching religion
It is not just what we say but who we are that preaches to the people and is the...

25th Anniversary of Return to Hungary!
Enter His gates with Thanksgiving. Psalm 100:4 Translation of Banner above Saturday,...

25 years of “Building a Bigger Heart”
Twenty-five years since the "Building of a Bigger Heart" capital campaign, this video tells the history of the Heart...

We know that the Kingdom is not only the Kingdom to come when we see God in glory, but...

Sister Elizabeth - 50th Jubilee Sister Paula - 25th Jubilee Sister Hannah - Renewal of Vows On March 25th, our Society joyfully...

Thanksgiving with the Communion of Saints
Faithfulness with gratitude is a shortcut to heaven. There is a time to remember what the Lord has done...

75, 50 & 25 Years of Grateful Love
Witness our Jubilarian Sisters renew their vows and share their gratitude for these years of Religious Profession. Sister Hermine Jaschko...

How would you describe the Heart of Jesus Retreat Center?
Children, teens, families and Sisters describe what the Heart of Jesus Retreat Center means to them. It is a...

What is our original inspiration?
"What is our original inspiration? It is to honestly convey the message that there is a God who is...

On Nov. 7th, 2015 joined by more than 1,000 friends and family members, our Society celebrated with a Mass...

How did you know God was calling you to this life?
How did you know God was calling you to this life? I knew many priests and religious sisters growing up...

This pilgrimage was an incredible blessing! We prayed for you, our family and friends at the shrine of Our...

We fall on our knees before our Savior and give Him thanks
We fall on our knees before our Savior and give Him thanks: 1. For coming among us and that we...

A shining sign for the world – the Heart of Jesus Retreat Center
The Heart of Jesus Retreat Center is very important for the world today. The Sisters help all who come...

Sister Ida recognized her call to consecrated religious life when she was 17 years old (pictured), and joyfully gave...

Really, who are we? What does the world say? The world says, "You are what people say about you."...

The joy of the Resurrection must be part of our lives. The world can look at John Paul II...

“Jesus wants to be with us” at the Heart of Jesus Retreat Center
The Heart of Jesus Retreat Center is all about relationship with Jesus. The Retreat Center welcomes children and adults...

Our Blessed Mother’s place in our life
Our Blessed Mother has a place in our life which we do not have to make for her. All...

Jesus says, "If you love me, I will make my home in you." What is a home? It is...

The Holy Trinity is very specially present among us during a Chapter
The Holy Trinity is very specially present among us during a Chapter. I was praying over the letter that...

There is no one more charming than Jesus Christ
There is no one more charming than Jesus Christ. He is most human, not in the sense of having...

We are drawn to be united to God
God cannot not love us. He loves us! Why? Not for any secondary reasons like what we have or...

God called our Community into existence
It was God who called our Community into existence. The original inspiration is very much from God, it is...

Consent to God’s gift of Himself as Mary did at the Annunciation (Luke 1:26-56) “Be it done to me...

If we had three vessels: one glass, one large plastic and one smaller gold cup, which one would be...

Do we have hope today? In the beginning of the Gospel of Luke, when Jesus was born, there is...

Be with God in your “Inner space”
Jesus promised that what we ask from the Father in His Name, He will give to us. We can...

God has reserved a spot in your heart for Himself
When we light a candle in the twilight, we can see much more of the candle than in daylight. ...

My greatest joy: Being in His Presence
Sometimes we seem to know much better how to serve, to do things, than simply just "to be" in...

A photo collage of our History and Life
The Sacred Heart Sisters - an overview of our History and life. The songs "The Heart" (© 1973, 2002...