Family Camp 2019: (Above) Nearly 50 families experienced the graces of being on retreat together at Sacred Heart Retreat Camp in Big Bear Lake, CA. Supported by the presence of numerous Sisters and priests Hearing faith presentations at their own, age-appropriate level, sharing spiritually each day as a family, praying together and enjoying family time nourished their relationships with God and with each other. Parents share that “family camp is the most important thing we do as a family each year.”

Girls’ Camp 2019: Saint Therese unit is excited to have earned the Mary Shrine award for the day through their excellent Catholic-Christian spirit. They processed with the Marian shrine back to their unit area, where a place of honor had already been prepared.
With the theme of “His Love Endures Forever”, the camps this summer reminded us of who God is and of his wonderous love. God is faithful, he is loving and he loves us infinitely. Mass, prayer time, faith presentations, campfires and singing, delicious home-cooked meals, hikes and all of God’s creation, crafts and good times with friends were all reminders of God’s love for us.