Faithfulness with gratitude is a shortcut to heaven. There is a time to remember what the Lord has done for each one of us. We have experienced this in so many great and small ways. I give thanks to God for our Sisters’ faithfulness and love for God for Community and for the people of God.
Some of you know our Community, that we were founded in 1940 in Hungary, when WWII was just around the corner. We never had a traditional habit, we wore alike-looking dress; we taught religion in a new way, helping the children to understand what a precious gift it is to belong to God, to be sons and daughters with Jesus Our Lord, of having been gifted by the Holy spirit, God’s infinite Love, and to live a life of loving service, as Jesus did.
How many of you have seen our Sacred Heart badge from close? It is a Heart burning with love but carrying the marks of love: the cross, the thorns, the wound. Our Sisters carry the cross, the thorns, the wound graciously and lovingly, ever ready to forgive, just like Jesus. True happiness comes from the depth of a heart united to the Source of Love, to the Heart of Our Lord.
We are the visible Church celebrating this great Thanksgiving to God through Jesus our Lord. Yet, just as truly and really as we are here, the Church invisible is here too. Not only the Angels and Saints, the men and women who are chosen by the church to be our examples, but our own family members, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, friends who went ahead of us and are now enjoying a life without tears, suffering or pain. They are extremely happy for and with us. They give thanks to God and support us in our desire to say in many different ways: “Thank you, God for your love for each of us! We love you! We thank you, Lord, for making our hearts so very much like your own.”
From an excerpt of a talk given by Sister Ida