A religious vocation is a very personal encounter with God
and He reveals His call in many ways.

1943 Hungary

1972 Los Angeles

2016 Northridge
Faithful Love: Sister Eva lived as a faithful Sacred Heart Sister for almost 80 years. She is one of Sister Ida’s original companions. She joined the Community shortly after it began in Hungary.
God knows who He created you to be, His call is as unique as you are.
Some signs may be:
The thought of a religious vocation has surfaced (and reoccurs) in my mind or heart
I recognize that God has a plan for me, not just what He wants me to “do” but who He created me to BE!
Other people have recognized I may have a religious vocation
I feel drawn to a greater union with God
I am drawn to prayer
I find myself spending more and more of my time serving others
I am attracted to love and serve God as the Sisters do
I keep thinking about religious life even when I do not want to think about it
Most importantly talk to Jesus about it and to His Mother Mary.
Be unafraid and open to God’s plan which is always for your happiness and your good and the good of others.
It is good and helpful to pray, asking God to help you find clarity in what He wants for you. God wants only what is good for you and will bring you the happiness for which He created you. Most importantly, a religious vocation is a call from God to a unique, wholehearted relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.
Ask our Lord to keep you close to His Sacred Heart and to guide you to know and follow His call whatever it may be.
Pray in full freedom: Lord, what is Your plan for me?
What community are you calling me to enter? (Each religious community is like a family, with its own spirit and charism/gifts.) If you are attracted to the Sacred Heart Sisters, why?