The very first Girls’ Camp we planned was sort of scary; we were wondering how all the work and effort we put into it was going to work out. We knew that a great deal of good would come because we took it as a faith experience.
Look around. What is there that you cannot see because there is another dimension beyond that which we see with our eyes? That dimension is revealed to us by faith. Our eyes cannot see it or our ears hear it, only the heart can understand. Not any ordinary heart but only a heart soaked in grace, in the life of God.
We were soaked in that life at Baptism. God put His hand on us and said, “You are mine.” He took care of us and made this little life in us great. He fed it with His own Body and Blood, with His own life, so that we would arrive to the point where we are right now, and would want to live that baptismal heritage which He gave to us freely as a gift.
God is not a maker like a watch-maker who made the watch and left. God made us and He is with us. He is the God whose name is “Love.” Love wants to expand, to communicate, love unites. This is what God does. He is not satisfied with anything less. He says, “You can see Me in my works – the flowers, trees, mountains, that is fine and good,” but then God also says, “I would like to have a little time with you personally.” He is God who likes to sit down and talk with you, to have a quiet place where He can speak to your heart. So, close the doors of your senses and be with Him. How do you get into His presence? How do we get into each other’s presence? By “giving an ear,” by listening. So take a deep breath and be in the presence of this God who is asking just one thing of you – listen.
May God be with you, may He smile upon you and give you peace