Golden Jubilarians

Sister Carmen: “The day I entered the convent, my youngest brother, Roy, asked me a question that cut straight to my heart. “Carmen, aren’t you coming home with us; don’t you love us anymore?” How could I answer the questioning heart of my three-year-old brother with an answer that would satisfy him and assure him of my love? How could I explain to anyone the questions that were in my young 17-year-old heart as I took the step to follow a call from God that from the time I was Roy’s age, entered my heart and gave me a “taste” of God’s Love that made me yearn for it day after day, year after year, until the day I could say “yes” to follow God’s call even though it meant leaving those whom I loved? My heart was tearing, too….I knew that God loved all of us and for some reason was giving me the chance to experience the deeper truths about God’s personal love for us from the Source, the Heart of Jesus… What I can say today is that I did find the answers I was searching for. I discovered a Love that never fails… a Love that was offered to me as a free gift, selflessly, totally, permanently from the One Who brought me joy beyond my expectation.”
Sister Sharon: “The quote from my Jubilee card reads: ‘May every tongue proclaim to the glory of God the father, That Jesus Christ is LORD!’ I met our Sisters over 52 years ago as a young college student, and my first impression was surprise at the habit they wore; it was too modern for me…remember this was the 1960‘s. But, when I heard the Sisters speak of the personal Love of God and the person of Jesus, my heart began to melt! The Sisters spoke of Jesus as a Real Person, one deeply in love with me, with each of us. Not a God of history or theology, but a personal and loving God…I’m thankful for all the opportunities I have been entrusted with to share about our Loving God- from Compton to Santa Ana to Los Angeles to Reno and Tahoe to the San Fernando Valley! I have been blessed by serving in our Family Camps, Girls’ Camps, Schools of Prayer, Summer Schools of Religion and so much more.”
Silver Jubilarians

Sister Andrea: “Allow me to tell you a story about a young woman who came to the U.S. in 1986…The first Mass she attended in the States was at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Oakland. This young woman was me. It really is an amazing grace to see how God has blessed me in so many ways over the years… When I was a teenager, God gave me a good friend named Gloria… I observed her quietly and wondered why she was so peaceful at such a young age. I realized that her positive disposition had something to do with her faith in God, and this was very attractive for me. When I discovered she was Catholic I asked if I could go to Church with her because I wanted to know the God she loved and served. This friendship eventually led me toward the decision to be baptized. One year after I was baptized, I came to California to pursue graduate studies…The motto of St. Ignatius, “For the greater glory of God,” prompted me to consider what I could offer to God who had blessed, loved and sustained me throughout my life, even when I did not yet know Him. After a period of prayer and discernment, I realized that God was inviting me to dedicate my whole life to Him as a Religious Sister.”
Sister Michelle: “When I was discerning what God desired for my life, the scripture verse that really impacted me was when Jesus tells His apostles in Mark’s gospel, “You have to lose your life to save it.” Once I truly surrendered myself to His all encompassing, loving embrace, then I was really free. Free to give Him every part of my heart, and free to receive an ocean of grace. God cannot be outdone in generosity!…I am so grateful that He called me to my Community! I love our Charism – to teach about Him with Joy and Trust, which I learned from Sister Ida…. After 10 grace-filled years in Hungary I cannot always speak as clearly as I would want, but I can repeat Jesus’ counter-intuitive words about losing your life to save it: Aki elveszíti életét értem és az evangéliumért, megmenti azt. It’s completely true in any language: if you lose your life for Him, He will pour His own life into your heart. I am so very grateful!”