Sister Eva Sharing History
Though we have not been able to meet together in person for our seminars and gatherings, we have adapted by having regular gatherings via “Zoom”. In September, during a seminar, Sister Eva Batta (right, in above photo), one of Sister Ida’s first companions, shared the history of our Society from the perspective of how our Lord has opened doors of possibilities throughout these past eighty years, from Sister Ida’s beginning until today.
Sister Eva shared, “When I am thinking about our beginnings, the first thought is Sister Ida. She was given a great gift, it was given to her but it was also given to all of us. This is very similar to what our Lord gave to the apostles to ‘Go, teach all nations’…we have to go out and we have to bring the love of our Lord to other people…”
Even in this pandemic, we are continuing our mission.
Reception of the Sacraments in 2020
Due to the pandemic, reception of the sacraments was postponed, including First Holy Communion at Our Lady of the Pillar parish (as at all of our parishes). A mother called us to ask when her daughter was going to be able to receive Holy Communion. She and her whole family had tried to convince their child to wait until a later time when they would be able to celebrate this event with a big party. Their daughter protested, “Mom! It isn’t about the party! It’s about the sacrament! It’s about receiving Jesus!” How our Lord draws us to Himself! He is not a God that social distances Himself from us, but is One who unites Himself with us!
Hungary - Summer Camps
During the summer, our Sisters in Hungary were able to host an in-person Day Camp for children and a hybrid Family Camp, partly online and partly in-person. The Day Camp was a very successful adaptation for not being able to have the usual week-long children’s summer camp.
The Family Camp, usually a weekend away at a beautiful camp, was also a success. Adapting to the situation, the Sisters thought of and prepared thoroughly, including having a trial Zoom log in with everyone. Nine families attended and were very grateful.
Taiwan Apostolates
In Taiwan, our Sisters were able to continue their apostolates, with some adaptations. Sister Mary Ann and Sister Arlene continued their tireless work as doctors at Cardinal Tien Hospital. Sister Mary Beth and Sister Ann continued to spread the love of God through their work at the Archdiocesan Catechetical Center in Taipei. They created online resources for catechists and families, as well as giving retreats to teachers and conducting workshops for Archbishop Chung’s staff of 49; introducing the employees (nearly half of whom are non-Catholic) to the spirit and mission of Catholic institutions.