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A Complete Dynamic Video Catechesis Program
Experience the joy of the Lord with the Sacred Heart Sisters and their friends. Find out why so many catechists have found to be essential to their classroom instruction. Even the Vatican Film Library has a complete set of these programs.
♥ 30 half-hour programs
♥ in harmony with the Catechism of the Catholic Church : Creed, Sacraments, Commandments, and Prayer in every program
♥ Elementary level, intergenerational
♥ Complements any text book
Each fast-moving program contains short segments of Illustrated Explanation(s), Signing Songs, Puppet Shows, Mime, Cartoon and Dance/songs.
Preview a puppet show from our Prayer Video here:
The Creed Resource Book includes children’s worksheets, music/lyrics with guitar chords, theme discussions for various levels, and a teacher’s guide with clear, brief instructions.
1. 天主創造萬物 ─ 天主的奇妙及慷慨
2. 聖寵 ─ 最大的寶藏:分享主內的生命
3. 耶穌誕生 ─ 天主最貴的禮物 : 耶穌
4. 聖母瑪利亞 ─ 耶穌的母親,我們的母親
5. 耶穌聖心 ─ 我們能看見耶穌的愛
6. 寬恕 ─ 天主仁慈的愛
7. 感恩祭 ─ 慶祝與耶穌及他人的結合
8. 死亡 — 一個永遠的禮物:永恆的生命
9. 復活節 — 愛的代價,生命的禮物
10. 聖教會 — 基督愛教會,並引領祂的子民
11. 聖召 — 答覆天主的召叫
12. 聖人與英雄 — 彰顯天主的愛
13. 祈禱 — 天主聽我說話、跟我交談
The Sacraments Resource Book includes children’s worksheets, all the songs, and a teacher’s guide with clear, brief instructions.
1. 聖事簡介 ─ 耶穌與我們分享祂的生命
2. 聖洗聖事 ─ 我們屬於天主的大家庭
3. 堅振聖事 ─ 在天主的聖神內生活
4. 聖體聖事 ─ 在上主台前合而為一
5. 和好聖事 ─ 重歸天主
6. 婚姻和聖秩聖事 ─ 愛的服務
7. 病人傅油聖事 ─ 在信德中我們得到治癒
The Commandments Resource Book includes children’s worksheets, all the songs, and a teacher’s guide with clear, brief instructions.
1. 讓造物處述說 ─ 十誡總論
2. 敬愛天主,敬愛祂的聖名 ─ 第一、二誡
3. 安息與慶祝的日子 ─ 第三誡
4. 相信、愛與服從 ─ 第四誡
5. 和平與愛的聲音 ─ 第五誡(一)
6. 選擇生命 ─ 第五誡(二)
7. 純潔的心、喜悅的心 ─ 第六誡
8. 純潔神聖-令人尊敬的愛 ─ 第六、九誡
9. 慷慨大方、處事正直 ─ 第七、十誡
10. 選擇真理的生命 ─ 第八誡
Creative use of these Programs:
• School/Religious Ed Programs as a Dynamic Spirit Builder
• Graded Program using selected theme discussion provided in the Resource Book
• A Club Concept that is a unique Catholic Club that is supportive and fun
• Content for a Children’s Retreat
• Home/Family material where Sisters on the video can teach in your home
• Vacation School material to be used in club meetings rather than “school”
• Select videos can be used for the Liturgical Seasons
• Dynamic Presentations that lead to warm friendship with Jesus
Be a Dynamic and Effective Religion Teacher
The Sacred Heart Sisters are delighted to share the Five Step Illustrated Method which has made “Sacred Heart Kids Club” video catechesis attractive around the globe.
This Program Works Great for:
• Experienced teachers who are looking for new ideas and new ways to teach
• New catechists who want to be effective
• Busy catechists who need a practical method to develop interesting and attractive lessons
• Caring catechists who hope to reach the hearts of their students and hold their attention
• Special education: a variety of visual aids
• Catechetical programs: share joyful faith
This DVD/Video course comes with a set of 2 DVDs. They are two hours long over seven sessions. It is available in English and Spanish, DVD, and NTSC and PAL. The guide used is also reproducible. This course is a method that can be used for all ages because it is easy to learn, practical, vibrant, and delightful!